Saturday, November 15, 2008

So I Saw Snowflakes Today...

I went to let the dogs out this evening and to my surprise, there were tiny white flakes falling from the darkened sky. I knew it was cold, kind of. I don't think I've really been outside at all today. For the past few days, I've been staying inside, in my pajamas and sweatshirts and slippers, doing some 'winter cleaning'.

My winter cleaning is an obsessive neat-freak straightening of strange things in my room. Like the bookmarks on my computer. While I have them separated into nice little categories already, I figured that since I had about 100 websites of places to purchase supplies, I should divide them up a bit. So now there's a folder for rosary supplies (which I rarely even make), one for tools, one for soldering information (another area that I haven't ventured into yet), and finally a nice folder for my forums I follow. And that was just in the 'Jewelry/Beads' folder.

I also have folders for 'Jewelry Components', 'Jewelry Design', and a 'Jewelry Wish List'. Within those folders I have to have it nice and neat as well, so in the 'Jewelry Design' folder there are subfolders containing 'Chain Maille', 'Inspiration', and 'Projects/Tutorials'. All are alphabetically arranged and the titles shortened to the simple name of the store/project/inspiration/component/blahblahblah.

I am beginning to believe that maybe I should have some more medication for this issue. It's not really an issue to me but it sure bugs my family. But, I figure I am perfectly happy so they will just have to live with the quirks if they want to remain my family. LOL.

My next cleaning project is the binder of projects, tips, instructions, charts that I have gathered for 4 years. I am going to arrange them by section. With little tabs dividing them. Maybe they will even be alphabetical. })i({


KellyKim said...

Hi Jamie,
My pleasure to know you :)
Is Kelly from Sweetieroom am a member at eSmart group, too.
Stopping by to say Hi :D

Wow~your living area already snowing? It's so earlier then!
Korea here still haven't see any snowflakes yet... I think maybe will in the December.

This few days are getting cold...
Jamie, stay warm *^-^*

With light & love,
Greeting from Korea

KellyKim said...

Dear Jamie,
Aww! Many thanks for stopped by at my blogs! Thanks for the comment! I am so happy that you love my blogs!

Yes! Mostly snow will come a lots on December & Jan... Oh... Xmas will coming very soon! Have you get ready of everything with this holiday yet? I'd just holiday shopping last saturday... we bought lots of winter clothes, xmas decoration & family stuffs.

Jamie, I hope you'll keep writing more blogs to share with everyone here! Hope to see how is the xmas celebration in America :)
